
Showing posts from June, 2010

How get the column names from a particular Table in Oracle

In Oracle you can retreive the field names as shown below, DESC Table_Name

How to get the position of a character from a word in SQL server.

For this there is a function call CHARINDEX(). This is very similar to InStr function of VB.NET and IndexOf in Java. This function returns the position of the first occurrence of the first argument in the record. SELECT CHARINDEX('r','server') This would return 3 as it is start from 1.

Working with Cursors in SQL Server.

Cursors are useful thing in SQL as it is enable you to work with a subset of data on a row-by-row basis. All cursor functions are non-deterministic because the results might not always be consistent. A user might delete a row while you are working with your cursor. Here after a few functions that work with cursors. When you work with Cursor , you will Have to follow these steps . 1. Declare Cursor 2. Open Cursor 3. Run through the cursor 4. Close Cursor 5. Deallocate the Cursor 1. Declare cursor Declare Emp_Cur Cursor For Select Emp_Code From Employee_Details Declare the cursor with select query for a Table/View as shown above. 2. Open Cursor Open Emp_Cur Fetch Next From Emp_Cur Into @mCardNo Open the Declared cursor and Fetch them into declared local variables for row-by-row basis. In given example, open cursor Emp_Cur and Fetch the Emp_Code records and assigned into a local Variable called @mCardNo. 3. Run through the Cursor For this there is a Cursor function called @@FETCH_STATUs w...

Working with Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are stored in SQL Server databases. The simplest implication of stored procedures is to save complicated queries to the database and call them by name, so that users won’t have to enter the SQL statements more once. As you see, stored procedures have many more applications, and you can even use them to build business rules into the database. How to create a Stored Procedure, As shown given below, created a Stored Procedure for Inserting records into Table call Holiday_Details, which has Code and Description fields. In this Stored Procedure, passing two parametrs as INPUT Parameters and one OUTPUT parameter. Normally in Stored Procedure we can pass parameters as Input / Output Stored parameters. When you define output parameters, we have to implicitly specify the OUTPUT Keyword. Here I have shown the simple stored procedure. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Holiday] @Code char(3), @Desc varchar(100), @flag bit, @Err Varchar(MAX)=Null OUTPUT AS Begin Transaction if @flag=0...