Stored procedures are stored in SQL Server databases. The simplest implication of stored procedures is to save complicated queries to the database and call them by name, so that users won’t have to enter the SQL statements more once. As you see, stored procedures have many more applications, and you can even use them to build business rules into the database. How to create a Stored Procedure, As shown given below, created a Stored Procedure for Inserting records into Table call Holiday_Details, which has Code and Description fields. In this Stored Procedure, passing two parametrs as INPUT Parameters and one OUTPUT parameter. Normally in Stored Procedure we can pass parameters as Input / Output Stored parameters. When you define output parameters, we have to implicitly specify the OUTPUT Keyword. Here I have shown the simple stored procedure. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Holiday] @Code char(3), @Desc varchar(100), @flag bit, @Err Varchar(MAX)=Null OUTPUT AS Begin Transaction if @flag=0...