Delete duplicate records from a Table in SQL Server
drop table ##temp create table ##temp (id char(3) ,marks int ) create table ##temp2 (id char(3) ,marks int ) insert into ##temp(id,marks) ----Here we are inserting duplicate select '001',50 ----records for each ID union all select '001',60 union all select '002',66 union all select '002',88 union all select '003',92 union all select '003',64 union all select '004',44 union all select '005',67 ----Here we are getting the distinct records and insert then into another Tempory table insert into ##temp2 select distinct id,max(marks) from ##temp where id in( select from (select id,count(id) cnt from ##temp group by id having count(id)>1) a) group by id ---And delete those duplicate records from original Table delete from ##temp where id in( select from (select id,count(id) cnt from ##temp group by id having count(id)>1) a) ---And again inser the inserted reocrds from temporary Table insert into ##t...